House of Wrestling was established to provide a safe place for all aspiring wrestlers within a supportive community of experienced wrestlers.
We are a community of dedicated enthusiasts who see wrestling not just as a sport.
Our mission is to enable all wrestlers to experience the artistry of combat and embrace the power within themselves.

Wrestling for Youth
'What you get
by achieving your goals
is not as important as
what you become
by achieving your goals'.
Life is like wrestling.
They take you down, you take them down.
It gets hard but at the end
whoever doesn’t give up, wins.
Wrestling is all about not giving up.
Wrestling sets a foundation for success in life, there is no sport like wrestling that can teach some incredible values.
Start your child's wrestling journey
Wrestling for Adults
'You don't have to be great to start,
but you have to start to be great'
There is no doubt that wrestling is a demanding sport, both physically & mentally.
We focus on the learning, the camaraderie & self-fulfilling nature of the pursuit of excellence.
And through the struggle, we develop respect for our fellow wrestler & together,
we are transformed in the journey.
Sportsmanship, respect and camaraderie are the core values of everything we do.